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Home Automation Home Security System

Complete Guide To Choosing Smart Door Locks For Your Home Security

When securing your home, the first thing that comes to mind is a reliable lock. Smart door locks provide an innovative solution for home security, offering enhanced convenience and control over access to your home. In this blog, we will guide you through everything you need to know about smart door locks and the benefits and factors to consider when choosing the right one for your home.

What Are Smart Door Locks?

Smart door locks are electronic locks that use a wireless connection to communicate with your smartphone or other connected devices, such as your home security. These locks eliminate the need for traditional keys and provide convenient ways to unlock doors using a code, fingerprint, or even a voice command. Smart locks offer added security and peace of mind by providing remote monitoring and control of your home’s access points.

Benefits Of Smart Door Locks

Smart door locks offer several benefits over traditional locks, including:

1. Convenience

Smart door locks eliminate physical keys and provide convenient ways to unlock doors using a code, fingerprint, or smartphone. This means you don’t have to worry about carrying a key or remembering to lock the door when you leave. Some smart locks even have features that allow you to unlock the door for guests or service providers remotely.

2. Control

It provides remote control and monitoring of your home’s access points, giving you peace of mind and control over who enters your home. With a smart lock, you can monitor when the door is locked or unlocked and receive notifications when someone enters or leaves your home. This can be particularly useful for parents who want to monitor when their children arrive home from school.

3. Security

Smart door locks offer advanced security features such as encryption, multi-factor authentication, and tamper-proof design, providing enhanced security for your home. Unlike traditional locks, which can be easily picked or bumped, smart locks use advanced encryption to prevent unauthorized access. Some smart locks have tamper-proof designs that make them difficult to break or disable.

4. Integration

It can integrate with other smart home devices, such as security cameras, doorbells, and smart thermostats, to provide a seamless experience and enhanced security. For example, some smart locks can be programmed to turn on the lights when you enter the house or to arm the security system when you leave.

5. Access Management

With smart locks, you can control who has access to your home, set entry schedules, and receive alerts when someone enters or leaves your home. It can be particularly useful if you have children or elderly relatives who need access to the home. With a smart lock, you can create temporary access codes that expire after a certain period or set schedules for certain valid codes.

Factors To Consider When Choosing Smart Door Locks

Choosing the right smart door lock for your home can be challenging, given the variety of options. Here are some critical factors to consider when selecting a smart door lock:

1. Security

The primary function of a lock is to provide security for your home. Look for locks that offer advanced security features such as encryption, multi-factor authentication, and tamper-proof design.

2. Compatibility

Ensure your lock is compatible with your home’s security system and smart devices. Check the lock’s specifications to ensure it works with your smartphone or other connected devices.

3. Battery Life

Smart locks are powered by batteries, and you don’t want to be caught off guard by dead batteries. Look for locks with long battery life and provide alerts when the batteries need replacing.

4. Installation

Smart locks require professional installation. When choosing the smart door locks, consider the installation process, and hire the most reliable and best security system installers.

5. Price

Smart locks come in various price ranges, and it’s essential to consider your budget when choosing a lock. However, don’t compromise on quality for the price, as a cheap lock may not offer the same level of security as a more expensive one.

Tips For Using Smart Door Locks

Here are some tips for using smart door locks:

1. Create Strong Passcodes

If you’re using a keypad lock, create a strong passcode that is difficult to guess. Avoid using easy-to-guess codes like birthdays or street numbers.

2. Keep Batteries Charged

Check the battery life of your smart lock regularly and ensure that the batteries are charged. Some smart locks provide alerts when the battery level is low.

3. Keep Backup Keys

While smart locks eliminate the need for traditional keys, it’s still essential to keep backup keys in case of a lock malfunction or dead battery.

4. Disable Auto-Unlock

Some smart locks offer auto-unlock features that unlock the door when you approach it. While convenient, this feature can pose a security risk. Disable auto-unlock and use manual unlocking methods instead.


Smart door locks offer a convenient and innovative solution to home security, providing remote control and monitoring of your home’s access points. When choosing a smart lock, consider security, compatibility, battery life, installation, and price factors. With proper use and maintenance, smart locks offer you and your family enhanced security and peace of mind. Contact us now and get the best security package for your home!

Home Security System

Understanding Alarm Monitoring And Its Importance For Your Security System

Your home is your sanctuary; you must keep it safe from threats. A home security system is essential to ensuring your home is protected. However, more than simply installing a security system is required. To ensure the safety of your home, it’s important to have 24/7 alarm monitoring. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of alarm monitoring and how ADT-authorized dealers can help you achieve the highest level of protection for your home.

What Is Alarm Monitoring?

Alarm monitoring is monitoring your home security system 24/7 to ensure that it’s working correctly and that you’re protected from potential threats. A monitoring center is responsible for receiving signals from your security system and taking appropriate action based on the type of signal received. There are different types of signals that the monitoring center can receive, including:

  • Intrusion Detection: This signal is triggered when someone enters your home without authorization.
  • Fire Detection: If your home has a fire alarm, the monitoring center will receive a signal if the alarm is triggered.
  • Environmental Monitoring: This type of monitoring is used to detect changes in temperature, humidity, or other environmental conditions that could threaten your home.

Importance Of Alarm Monitoring

1. Protection Against Burglaries And Break-Ins

One of the primary benefits of alarm monitoring is protection against burglaries and break-ins. Without monitoring, you’ll only know someone has broken into your home when you arrive. With monitoring, you’ll be alerted when an intruder enters your home, giving you time to take appropriate action.

2. Early Detection Of Fire

Alarm monitoring plays a crucial role in the early detection of fire. With a monitored alarm system, the moment smoke or heat is detected through monoxide smoke detectors, the monitoring company is alerted, and emergency services are notified. This rapid response time can mean the difference between minimal damage and catastrophic loss.

3. Peace Of Mind

Knowing that your home or business is monitored 24/7 gives you peace of mind. Whether at work, on vacation, or simply sleeping, you can rest peacefully knowing that your property is being watched by professionals who will respond quickly to any emergency. This added layer of protection can help reduce stress and anxiety, allowing you to focus on the things that matter most to you.

4. How Alarm Monitoring Works

When you install a home security system with alarm monitoring, sensors and cameras are placed throughout your home. If a sensor or camera detects a potential threat, it sends a signal to the monitoring center. The monitoring center then evaluates the signal and takes appropriate action based on the type of signal received.

The monitoring center will contact you to verify the alarm if the signal indicates a potential break-in. If the notice is confirmed, the monitoring center will dispatch the police to your home. The monitoring center will dispatch the fire department to your home if the signal indicates a fire.

Benefits Of Alarm Monitoring

1. 24/7 Protection

Alarm monitoring provides round-the-clock protection for your home or business by watching your security system even when you’re not there. Any potential threats, such as break-ins, fires, or carbon monoxide leaks, can be detected and addressed quickly.

2. Professional Response

When an alarm is triggered, the monitoring company will notify appropriate emergency responders, such as police, fire, or medical personnel. This ensures a fast and efficient response to any emergency, even if you cannot call for help yourself.

3. Lower Insurance Premiums

Many insurance companies offer discounts on homeowners or business insurance policies for properties that have alarm monitoring. Having a monitored security system lowers the risk of theft, fire, or other damages, reducing the likelihood of insurance claims and losses for the insurer. As a result, the policyholder can enjoy lower insurance premiums.

Choosing The Right Alarm Monitoring Service

It is important to consider alarm monitoring services as a necessary component. Not all monitoring services are created equal, so it’s essential to research and choose the right one for your needs. Here are some factors to consider:

1. Reputation

When selecting an alarm monitoring service, it’s crucial to consider the company’s reputation. Go for companies that have been in business for a long time and have a good track record of providing reliable monitoring services. You can check their online reviews, ratings, and testimonials from previous customers to gauge their reputation.

2. Professional Installation

Ensure that the alarm monitoring service offers professional installation services. Professional installation ensures that the system is installed correctly and optimally. The company should have qualified technicians who can help you choose the right system, install it, and train you on how to use it effectively.

3. Integration With Other Smart Home Devices

Choosing a monitoring service that offers integration with other smart home devices is important. This will allow you to remotely control and monitor your alarm system using your smartphone, tablet, or computer. Look for companies that integrate with popular smart home devices like Amazon Alexa, Google Home, and Nest.

4. Cost

The cost is also an important consideration. Look for a service that fits your budget without compromising on the quality of service. Some companies offer monthly or yearly contracts with flexible payment options. Be sure to ask about hidden charges to avoid surprises later on. Compare the costs of different companies and choose the one that offers you the best value for your money.

ADT Authorized Dealers

Direct Protection Security, an ADT-authorized dealer, provides high-quality service with the added benefit of personalized service and support. It offers many home and business security services, including alarm monitoring, video surveillance, smart home integration, and more. With DPS, you can rest assured that your home is protected 24/7 and that any potential threats will be responded to promptly and professionally.


When safeguarding your home and loved ones, nothing should be more important. In today’s unpredictable world, a comprehensive home security system is no longer an optional investment but a necessity. Fortunately, alarm monitoring services can offer an essential and invaluable layer of protection to your home security setup. To ensure that you achieve the highest level of protection for your home, it’s crucial to contact ADT-authorized dealers today. They can provide detailed information about their services and help you choose the best options for your unique needs.

Home Security System

How Security Systems Can Improve Neighborhood Safety

Safety is one of the most important concerns for any individual or community. Whether it’s at home or in a business, everyone wants to feel safe and secure. Security systems are becoming popular in recent years due to their ability to provide security and deter potential intruders. Crime rates have been increasing worldwide. Many homeowners and business owners worry about their property’s safety and security. There are many types of security systems available in the market. Still, home security systems, business security systems, and outdoor cameras are some of the most popular ones. This article will explore how home and business security systems can improve neighborhood safety.

Importance Of Neighborhood Safety

Neighborhood safety is a primary concern for every individual, as it directly impacts their quality of life. A safe environment promotes a sense of security and peace of mind. At the same time, the fear of crime and vandalism can cause stress and anxiety. Home security systems, business security systems, and outdoor cameras can help improve neighborhood safety. These systems can deter crime, provide evidence in the event of an incident, and enhance response times in emergencies.

Home Security Systems

Home security systems are integrated security systems designed to protect homes from intruders and provide peace of mind to homeowners. These systems consist of alarms, sensors, and cameras that detect motion or changes in temperature.

1. Deterrent Effect Of Home Security Systems

The presence of a home security system can be a significant deterrent to would-be burglars or vandals. A study by the University of North Carolina at Charlotte found that 60% of convicted burglars said that the presence of a security system would cause them to look for an easier target.

2. Use Of Cameras In Home Security Systems

The cameras in a home security system can capture footage of a crime as it happens. Law enforcement can use this footage to identify suspects and make arrests. Additionally, some home security systems can notify homeowners and authorities during a break-in or other emergency, providing a faster response time and potentially preventing further damage or loss. In a medical emergency or fire outbreak, the security system can automatically alert the authorities for prompt action, thus improving the response time and saving lives.

3. Notification And Response Features Of Home Security Systems

Some home security systems can notify homeowners and authorities during a break-in or other emergency, providing a faster response time and potentially preventing further damage or loss. In a medical emergency or fire outbreak, the security system can automatically alert the authorities for prompt action, thus improving the response time and saving lives.

Business Security Systems

Business security systems are integrated systems designed to protect businesses from intruders, theft, and fraud. These systems usually consist of cameras, alarms, and access control systems that limit who can enter certain building areas.

1. Benefits Of Business Security Systems

Criminals often target businesses, and the presence of a security system can help deter criminal activity. Access control systems can be particularly helpful in preventing theft or damage by limiting employee access to sensitive areas such as cash registers or inventory storage areas.

2. Access Control

A business security system camera can provide valuable footage of an incident, and access control logs can identify who was inside the building at the time. Law enforcement can use this information to identify suspects and make arrests.

3. Investigative Assistance Of Business Security Systems

Business security systems can also help with investigations of fraudulent activities by employees. A security system will prevent employees from engaging in illegal activities, thus improving the organization’s security.

Outdoor Cameras

Outdoor cameras are installed outside homes, businesses, or public places to monitor the surrounding area for suspicious activity. They can be connected to a monitoring system that records footage and alerts the authorities during suspicious activity.

1. Effect Of Outdoor Cameras

The presence of outdoor cameras can deter criminals, as they know their actions are being monitored and recorded. In addition, outdoor cameras can provide valuable evidence in the event of a crime, such as identifying suspects and their activities.

2. Captures Suspicious Activity

Outdoor cameras can capture suspicious activities such as loitering, graffiti, and trespassing, which can then be reported to law enforcement. They can also monitor traffic patterns, parking lots, and other public areas for safety hazards or other suspicious activity.

3. Safety Hazard Monitoring With Outdoor Cameras

These cameras can also monitor weather conditions, such as flooding or severe storms, and report any safety hazards to authorities. It can help prevent accidents and injuries, especially in areas prone to natural disasters.


The community’s safety is paramount, and security systems can be a valuable tool in improving neighborhood safety. Home security systems, business security systems, and outdoor cameras can all help deter criminal activity, provide evidence in the event of a crime, and improve response times in emergencies. By investing in security systems, residents and business owners can take proactive steps to improve the safety and security of their neighborhoods. Contact us now!

Home Security System

The Impact Of Home Security Systems On Insurance Rates

Protecting your property and loved ones is likely a top priority as a homeowner. One of the most productive ways to do this is by investing in a home security system. These systems provide an added layer of protection against theft and other types of damage and can also significantly impact your insurance rates.

Many insurance companies offer discounts to homeowners who have installed security systems, as these can lower the risk of theft and other types of damage. Studies have shown that homes without such measures are much more likely to be targeted by burglars than those with them. Furthermore, homes with security measures are less likely to suffer damage from fires and other types of disasters, which can help reduce insurance companies’ risk exposure.

By investing in a home security system, homeowners can enjoy greater peace of mind and significant savings on their insurance premiums. However, with so many security systems available, it’s essential to research and chooses the system that best fits your needs and budget.

This article will explore home security systems’ impact on insurance rates, the types of designs available, and how to choose the best plan for your needs. By the end of this article, you’ll better understand how to protect your property and wallet by investing in a home security system.

The Benefits Of A Home Security System

1. Protection Against Burglaries And Break-Ins

A home security system can deter burglars and break-ins. Homes with security systems are a less likely target for robbers, as the risk of getting caught outweighs the potential reward. The presence of cameras and alarms can also scare off potential intruders.

2. Early Detection Of Fire

Early detection is critical in containing a home fire, as it can spread rapidly. Invest in a home security system that promptly alerts you upon detecting a fire, providing you with the necessary time to evacuate and call for assistance, preventing the spread of the fire.

3. Peace Of Mind

Enjoy peace of mind knowing your home and family are protected around the clock. With 24/7 security, you can carry on with your daily activities without worrying or stressing about your safety.

How Home Security Systems Affect Insurance Rates

Insurance companies determine rates based on various factors, including the risk of damage or loss to the insured property. Burglars are less likely to target houses with security systems, leading to a lower risk of damage or loss. Therefore, insurance companies view homes with security systems as less risky and may offer discounted rates to homeowners with these systems.

Insurance providers benefit from homeowners with security systems because they have fewer claims and incur lower costs. This, in turn, allows insurance providers to offer lower rates to homeowners who invest in security systems.

The specific factors impacting insurance rates for homes with security systems may vary depending on the provider. However, most providers consider factors such as the type of security system, the location of the house, and the insurance coverage purchased.

Types Of Home Security Systems That Impact Insurance Rates

When it comes to choosing a home security system, there are various options available in the market. Some of the most popular types of security systems include:

1. Monitored Systems

These are professionally installed systems monitored 24/7 by a professional monitoring center. In case of any suspicious activity or emergency, the monitoring center will alert the homeowner and dispatch emergency services if necessary.

2. Unmonitored Systems

These systems typically include sensors, alarms, and cameras that trigger an alert when they detect suspicious activity. However, these systems are not monitored by a professional monitoring center, and it’s up to the homeowner to call emergency services in case of a crisis.

Insurance providers typically offer greater discounts for homes with monitored security systems as they offer higher protection against burglary and theft. Other factors that may impact insurance rates include the age and quality of the security system and whether the system is connected to a centralized monitoring service. When selecting a security system, homeowners should consider the potential impact on their insurance rates and choose a system that best fits their budget and security needs.

Factors That Affect Insurance Rates

Apart from the type of security system, several other factors can affect homeowner’s insurance rates. These include:

Your Location:

Homes in high-crime areas are more likely to have higher insurance rates.

The Age And Condition Of Your Home:

Homes that are older or in poor condition may be at a higher risk of damage from natural disasters or burglaries.

Your Claims History:

If you’ve filed several insurance claims in the past, your insurance rates may be higher.

The Value Of Your Home:

Homes with a higher value may require more coverage, leading to higher insurance rates.

Top Security System Dealers

Suppose you’re considering investing in a home security system to save on insurance rates. In that case, there are a few things to keep in mind. First and foremost, you’ll want to choose an effective and reliable system. It means researching and reading reviews from other homeowners who have installed similar systems.

You’ll also want to ensure your chosen system is compatible with your home and lifestyle. For example, if you have pets, you’ll want to select a system that can be customized to account for their presence in the home.

Finally, it’s important to consider the cost of the system and the potential savings on insurance premiums. While a more expensive system may result in greater savings on insurance, it may not be the best choice for homeowners on a tight budget.


Investing in a home security system safeguards your home from potential threats and reduces your homeowner’s insurance premiums. Insurance providers view secured homes as lower risk and offer discounts on premiums. Therefore, it’s crucial to choose a reputable security system dealer that provides a variety of customizable systems and 24/7 monitoring services to meet your specific needs.

Home Security System

Building Your Own Integrated Home Security System: Is It Possible?

Home security systems have become increasingly important in recent years as the rate of burglaries and home invasions continues to rise. The state of California has been grappling with high crime rates for several years now. According to the latest crime statistics from the FBI, California is among the states with the highest crime rates in the country. While many areas within the state have seen increased crime rates in recent years, three cities, in particular, have gained notoriety for their high crime levels: Oakland, Stockton, and San Bernardino. These cities have struggled with high violent crime rates, including homicides, assaults, and robberies.

According to the FBI, Oakland’s crime rate is more than three times the national average, making it a concerning place to live. In 2019, there were 10,559 reported property crimes in the city and 75 homicides. San Bernardino city has a crime rate of 1,298 per 100,000 residents, with many property and violent crimes. In 2019, 6,890 property crimes were reported in the city, along with 47 homicides. The high crime rates in these cities make them among the most dangerous cities to live in California.

But with the rise of smart home technology, homeowners now have more options than ever when securing their homes. Home security systems typically consist of security cameras, alarms, and monitoring services that work together to protect your home from break-ins and other threats. With the right system, you can rest assured that your home is secure, even when you’re not there.

While many pre-built security systems for homes are available on the market, building your own system is also an option that offers several benefits. This article will examine some of the pros and cons of building your system and some key components you’ll need to get started.

Pros And Cons Of Building an Integrated Home Security System


1. Cost Savings:

By selecting and purchasing individual components, building a home security system can be cost-effective for protecting your home. You can save money by avoiding the package deals offered by most companies.

2. Customization And Flexibility:

One of the most significant benefits of building your home security system is the ability to customize it according to your needs. You can choose the components that are most important to you and modify the system as needed.

3. In-Depth Knowledge Of The System:

Building your home security system will give you a thorough understanding of how it works, which can help troubleshoot any issues.


1. Time-Consuming:

Installing your security system yourself can be a time-consuming process. You must research the individual components, purchase them, and install them yourself. This can be time-consuming and require more effort than purchasing a pre-built system.

2. Lack Of Professional Support:

Purchasing a pre-built system will require professional support. It means that you will be responsible for installing, configuring, and troubleshooting any issues that may arise.

3. Potential For Errors:

Building your home security system can lead to errors if you are not experienced. This can result in a system that needs to be fully functional or meet your security needs. However, many manufacturers provide detailed instructions and tutorials to help you install and configure the system properly.

Key Components of a Home Security System

Security Cameras

1. Types Of Cameras

Regarding security cameras, you have a few different options. Dome cameras are popular because they are discreet, while bullet cameras are more visible and can act as deterrents. PTZ cameras offer more flexibility because they can pan, tilt, and zoom.

2. Camera Placement

Where you place your security cameras is crucial. You want to make sure that all entry points are covered, as well as any blind spots in your yard. It’s also important to place cameras in areas where they will be protected.

3. Image Resolution

The higher the image resolution of your cameras, the more precise the footage will be. It is essential to identify potential intruders.

Alarm Systems

1. Types Of Alarms

There are two types of alarms that you can install in your home: wired and wireless. Wired alarms are more reliable, but they can be challenging to install. Wireless alarms are easier to install but more vulnerable to hacking.

2. Siren Volume And Tone

The siren of your alarm system needs to be loud enough to alert you and your neighbors of a potential break-in. The siren’s tone should also be distinctive to help differentiate it from other sounds.

3. Monitoring Options

You can monitor your alarm system or scan it by a security company. Having it monitored by a security company can provide an extra level of security, as they can alert the police in the event of a break-in.

Smart Home Integration

1. Benefits Of Integration

Integrating your security system with other smart devices can provide additional benefits. For example, you can set your security cameras to turn on when smart thermostat detects that you are not home. You can also receive alerts on your phone when the security system detects movement.

2. Compatibility Issues

It is vital to ensure that your security is compatible with other devices. This can be challenging if you are using devices from different manufacturers.

3. Additional Costs

Security systems integration with other smart devices can be expensive. You will need to purchase the individual components and pay for any monthly monitoring fees.

Steps To Build Your Own Integrated Home Security System

1. Assess Your Security Needs

The first step to building your home security system is to assess your security needs. You should identify the areas of your home that are most vulnerable and the types of threats you are most concerned about. It will help in determining the types of components that you need.

2. Necessary Components

Once you have assessed your security needs, you can choose and purchase the necessary components. You must go for a security camera or cameras, an alarm system, and any smart devices you want to integrate.

3. Install And Configure The System

The installation and configuration process will depend on the specific components that you have chosen. Following the instructions carefully is important to ensure everything is installed correctly. Hiring a professional to help you may be worth it if you are uncomfortable with the installation process.

4. Test The System And Troubleshoot Any Issues

Once your home security system is installed, testing it to ensure everything works properly is important. This includes testing the security cameras, alarm system, and any devices you have integrated. If you encounter any issues, it’s important to troubleshoot them as soon as possible.


Building your home security system can be a cost-effective and customizable option for protecting your home. However, it has potential drawbacks, including the time and effort required to install and configure the system. When building your security system, it’s important to assess your security needs, choose and purchase the necessary components, install and configure the system, and test and troubleshoot any issues. Following these steps, you can build a security system for your home to meet your unique needs and provides peace of mind. Additionally, with the integration of smart devices such as Google Nest Cameras and smart thermostats, home security systems are becoming more advanced and personalized to each homeowner.

Business Security Home Security System

Understanding Alarm Monitoring And Its Importance For Your Security System

Your home is your sanctuary; you must keep it safe from threats. A home security system is essential to ensuring your home is protected. However, more than simply installing a security system is required. To ensure the safety of your home, it’s important to have 24/7 alarm monitoring. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of alarm monitoring and how ADT-authorized dealers can help you achieve the highest level of protection for your home.

What Is Alarm Monitoring?

Alarm monitoring is monitoring your home security system 24/7 to ensure that it’s working correctly and that you’re protected from potential threats. A monitoring center is responsible for receiving signals from your security system and taking appropriate action based on the type of signal received. There are different types of signals that the monitoring center can receive, including:

Intrusion Detection: This signal is triggered when someone enters your home without authorization.

Fire Detection: If your home has a fire alarm, the monitoring center will receive a signal if the alarm is triggered.

Environmental Monitoring: This type of monitoring is used to detect changes in temperature, humidity, or other environmental conditions that could threaten your home.

Importance Of Alarm Monitoring

1. Protection Against Burglaries And Break-Ins

One of the primary benefits of alarm monitoring is protection against burglaries and break-ins. Without monitoring, you’ll only know someone has broken into your home when you arrive. With monitoring, you’ll be alerted when an intruder enters your home, giving you time to take appropriate action.

2. Early Detection Of Fire

Alarm monitoring plays a crucial role in the early detection of fire. With a monitored alarm system, the moment smoke or heat is detected, the monitoring company is alerted, and emergency services are notified. This rapid response time can mean the difference between minimal damage and catastrophic loss.

3. Peace Of Mind

Knowing that your home or business is monitored 24/7 gives you peace of mind. Whether at work, on vacation, or simply sleeping, you can rest peacefully knowing that your property is being watched by professionals who will respond quickly to any emergency. This added layer of protection can help reduce stress and anxiety, allowing you to focus on the things that matter most to you.

How Alarm Monitoring Works

When you install a home security system with alarm monitoring, sensors and cameras are placed throughout your home. If a sensor or camera detects a potential threat, it sends a signal to the monitoring center. The monitoring center then evaluates the signal and takes appropriate action based on the type of signal received.

The monitoring center will contact you to verify the alarm if the signal indicates a potential break-in. If the notice is confirmed, the monitoring center will dispatch the police to your home. The monitoring center will dispatch the fire department to your home if the signal indicates a fire.

Benefits Of Alarm Monitoring

1. 24/7 Protection

Alarm monitoring provides round-the-clock protection for your home or business by watching your security system even when you’re not there. Any potential threats, such as break-ins, fires, or carbon monoxide leaks, can be detected and addressed quickly.

2. Professional Response

When an alarm is triggered, the monitoring company will notify appropriate emergency responders, such as police, fire, or medical personnel. This ensures a fast and efficient response to any emergency, even if you cannot call for help yourself.

3. Lower Insurance Premiums

Many insurance companies offer discounts on homeowners or business insurance policies for properties that have alarm monitoring. Having a monitored security system lowers the risk of theft, fire, or other damages, reducing the likelihood of insurance claims and losses for the insurer. As a result, the policyholder can enjoy lower insurance premiums.

Choosing The Right Alarm Monitoring Service

It is important to consider alarm monitoring services as a necessary component. Not all alarm monitoring services are created equal, so it’s essential to research and choose the right one for your needs. Here are some factors to consider:

1. Reputation

When selecting an monitoring service, it’s crucial to consider the company’s reputation. Go for companies that have been in business for a long time and have a good track record of providing reliable monitoring services. You can check their online reviews, ratings, and testimonials from previous customers to gauge their reputation.

2. Professional Installation

Ensure that the alarm monitoring service offers professional installation services. Professional installation ensures that the system is installed correctly and optimally. The company should have qualified technicians who can help you choose the right system, install it, and train you on how to use it effectively.

3. Integration With Other Smart Home Devices

Choosing a monitoring service that offers integration with other smart home devices is important. This will allow you to remotely control and monitor your alarm system using your smartphone, tablet, or computer. Look for companies that integrate with popular smart home devices like Amazon Alexa, Google Home, and Nest.

4. Cost

The cost of the monitoring service is also an important consideration. Look for a service that fits your budget without compromising on the quality of service. Some companies offer monthly or yearly contracts with flexible payment options. Be sure to ask about hidden charges to avoid surprises later on. Compare the costs of different companies and choose the one that offers you the best value for your money.

5. ADT Authorized Dealers

Direct Protection Security, an ADT-authorized dealer, provides high-quality service with the added benefit of personalized service and support. It offers many home and business security services, including alarm monitoring, video surveillance, smart home integration, and more. With us, you can rest assured that your home is protected 24/7 and that any potential threats will be responded to promptly and professionally.


When safeguarding your home and loved ones, nothing should be more important. In today’s unpredictable world, a comprehensive home security system is no longer an optional investment but a necessity. Fortunately, alarm monitoring services can offer an essential and invaluable layer of protection to your home security system setup. To ensure that you achieve the highest level of protection for your home, it’s crucial to contact ADT-authorized dealers today. They can provide detailed information about their services and help you choose the best options for your unique needs.

Home Automation Home Security System

How A Smart Home Is The Smart Choice For The Busy Lifestyle

In today’s fast-paced world, managing a home can be a challenge, especially for those with a busy lifestyle. Fortunately, the rise of smart home devices and home security system makes it easier for homeowners to control various aspects of their homes from their smartphones or other devices, even when they are not home. These technologies not only provide convenience but also offers security and peace of mind. This article will explore the benefits of smart home devices. So, let’s dive into the world of advanced technology and see how it can help you easily manage your home.

What Is A Smart Home?

A smart home is equipped with advanced technologies that allow for automation and remote control of various systems, including lighting, heating and cooling, home entertainment, security, and other appliances. Home automation is all about making life easier and more convenient. Instead of manually adjusting the temperature, turning lights on and off, or arming the security system, you can automate these tasks, saving time and energy.

The devices use wireless technology to connect to the internet and each other, forming a network that can be controlled from a central hub or through an app on your smartphone. Some common examples of these devices include smart thermostats, lighting, locks, security, and smart home entertainment systems.

Benefits Of A Smart Home

  • A smart home saves you time. With home automation, you can save time on mundane tasks, such as turning off lights or adjusting the thermostat, which can be done automatically. You can focus on more important tasks or enjoy leisure time with family and friends.
  • It makes life more convenient by controlling various systems through a single app on your smartphone or tablet.
    Smart devices can also increase your comfort levels.
  • Home automation can also help you save on energy costs.
  • Knowing you can monitor your home even when you are away.
  • You can receive alerts on your smartphone if there is any suspicious activity in your home and even remotely control security cameras and door locks.

The Need For Smart Home Devices

Smart home devices are no longer a luxury but a necessity in today’s fast-paced lifestyle. People always look for ways to make their lives more comfortable and efficient; these home devices offer just that. Home automation can help you control your home’s lighting, temperature, security, and more with a few taps on your smartphone or voice commands. This convenience saves time and energy and provides peace of mind knowing that your home is secure and under control, even when you are away.

Types Of Smart Devices

Smart Thermostats

Smart thermostats are becoming increasingly popular as they allow homeowners to control the temperature of their homes from anywhere. This is especially useful for busy homeowners who are always on the go. It will enable you to adjust your home’s temperature from your smartphone or another device. It can help save energy and reduce utility bills.

Motion Detectors

They can detect movement in and around the home and provide an alert if anything unusual is detected. This can help prevent break-ins and keep the homeowner and their family safe. Motion sensors can also turn on lights or other devices, making navigating your home in the dark easy.

Smoke Detectors

They provide an early warning in a fire, making them an important part of home security. The smoke detectors take this a step further, as they can send alerts to the homeowner’s smartphone during a fire. This can help prevent severe damage to the home and save lives.

Security Cameras

Security cameras are the most important smart home device, as they provide an added layer of security for the homeowner and their family. With a security camera, homeowners can monitor their homes anytime and receive alerts if anything unusual is detected. It can help in preventing criminal activity and keep the family safe.

Smart Locks

These locks allow homeowners to control the locks on their homes from their phones. This can be useful for busy homeowners who are always in a rush, as it allows them to lock or unlock their homes from anywhere. These locks can also give temporary access to friends or family members who need to enter the house while the homeowner is away.


Smart home devices are an excellent choice for a busy lifestyle. They provide convenience, security, and peace of mind, making it easy for homeowners to manage their homes from anywhere. Many of these devices, from thermostats to security cameras, can help make your life easier and more secure. If you are interested in smart home technology, contact security system dealers in your area to learn more about available options.

Home Security System Uncategorized

What Is Green Energy-Powered Security Systems?

In today’s world, one of the top priorities for homeowners is to ensure the safety and security of their property and loved ones. It has resulted in a growing demand for reliable and effective security systems that can help deter intruders and provide peace of mind. However, as concerns about climate change continue to mount, there is also a growing interest in using more environmentally friendly solutions for the home security system, including green energy-powered security systems.

What Is Green Energy-Powered Security Systems?

Green energy-powered security systems refer to security systems that rely on renewable and sustainable energy sources to power their various components. Unlike traditional security systems that rely on non-renewable sources of energy, such as electricity from fossil fuels, green energy-powered security systems use solar power, wind power, geothermal power, or hydropower to provide power to the various components of the system.

Types Of Green Energy Sources Used In Security Systems

Several types of green energy sources can be used to power security systems. These include:

  • Solar Power is one of the most commonly used sources of green energy for security systems. It involves using solar panels to collect energy from the sun, which is then converted into electricity and stored in batteries or energy storage systems.
  • Wind Power involves using wind turbines to collect energy from the wind. The energy is then converted into electricity and stored in batteries or energy storage systems.
  • Geothermal Power uses heat from the Earth’s core to generate electricity. This is achieved by using heat pumps and other technologies to extract the heat and convert it into usable energy.
  • Hydropower involves the use of water to generate electricity. This is achieved using turbines or other technologies to capture energy from water movements, such as waterfalls or rivers.

Components Of Green Energy-Powered Security Systems

Green energy-powered security systems typically have several components that work together to provide reliable and effective security. These components include:

  • Solar Panels or Wind Turbines: These components collect energy from the sun or wind and convert it into electricity.
  • Batteries or Energy Storage Systems: These components are responsible for storing the energy collected by the solar panels or wind turbines, which can then be used to power the security system when needed.
  • Control Panel and Sensors: The control panel and sensors detect security threats and trigger the appropriate response, such as sounding an alarm or contacting the authorities.

How Do Green Energy-Powered Security Systems Work?

Collection Of Energy From Green Energy Sources

Green energy-powered security systems rely on solar panels, wind turbines, geothermal, or hydro techniques to collect energy from renewable sources. Solar panels and wind turbines are the most commonly used sources of green energy in security systems. They collect energy from the sun or wind and transform it into electricity, which is then used to power the security system.

Conversion And Storage of Energy

Once the energy has been collected, it must be converted into a usable form and stored for later use. This is mainly achieved through the use of batteries or energy storage systems. The energy collected by solar panels or wind turbines is converted into direct current (DC) electricity, which is then stored in batteries or energy storage systems.

Distribution Of Energy To Power Security System Components

The energy stored in the batteries or energy storage systems is then used to power the various components of the security system. This includes the system’s control panel, sensors, and other devices.

Monitoring And Control Of System Performance

Green energy-powered security systems typically come with monitoring and control capabilities that allow homeowners to monitor the performance of their designs in real time. This can include information on the amount of energy being collected and stored, as well as the status of the different components of the system. These monitoring capabilities can help homeowners identify and address issues with their systems before they become problematic.

Benefits of Green Energy-Powered Security Systems

Cost Savings

One of the most significant benefits of green energy-powered security systems is the potential for cost savings. By using renewable energy sources to power their security system, homeowners can reduce their dependence on non-renewable sources, which can be costly. In addition, green energy-powered security systems can help homeowners reduce their overall energy consumption, translating into lower energy bills.

Environmental Benefits

Green energy-powered security systems are also more environmentally friendly than traditional security systems. By using renewable energy sources, homeowners can reduce their carbon footprint and help mitigate the effects of climate change. This can be especially important for homeowners concerned about their daily activities’ environmental impact.

Reliability And Efficiency

Green energy-powered security systems are also known for their reliability and efficiency. By relying on renewable energy sources, these systems can provide a consistent power source even in areas with limited access to traditional energy sources. In addition, green energy-powered security systems are typically more efficient than conventional security systems, which can result in improved performance and a more robust security system.

Increased Property Value

Installing a green energy-powered security system can also increase the value of a homeowner’s property. As more and more people become concerned about the environment, properties that feature green energy systems are becoming more desirable. This can increase property values and a higher investment return for homeowners who install a green energy-powered security system.

Availability From ADT Authorized Dealers

Green energy-powered security systems are now available from Direct Protection Security, an ADT-authorized dealer. ADT is a leading provider of home security systems and has partnered with several manufacturers to offer green energy-powered security systems to its customers. This means that homeowners can now enjoy the benefits of green energy-powered security systems while still benefiting from the quality and reliability of an ADT security system.


Green energy-powered security systems are a positive step towards a more sustainable and eco-friendly future. By exploiting the power of renewable energy sources, homeowners can benefit from a more reliable, efficient, and cost-effective security system while contributing to a more sustainable world. With the availability of these systems from ADT authorized dealers, homeowners can now enjoy the benefits of green energy-powered security systems while still benefiting from the quality and reliability of an ADT security system. Contact us now!

Home Security Home Security System Uncategorized

A Guide To Choose The Best Front Door Camera For Your House

As homeowners, one of the most critical considerations is home security. Investing in a home security system can provide peace of mind and protect your family and property. One key aspect of a home security system is a front door camera. Front door cameras allow homeowners to monitor and record activity at their front door, providing an extra layer of security against potential intruders. In this guide, we’ll discuss the key factors to consider when choosing a front door camera, the differences between outdoor and video doorbells, the best front door cameras in the market, and tips for installation and maintenance.

Factors To Consider When Choosing A Front Door Camera

When choosing a front door camera, several key factors must be considered.

Image Quality

Image quality is one of the key factors to consider when choosing a front-door camera. Choosing a high-resolution camera is essential to ensure clear and detailed footage. This can help identify potential intruders and provide helpful evidence in the case of a break-in.

Field Of View

Another key consideration is the camera’s coverage area. Choosing a camera with a wide field of view is important to ensure coverage of the entire front door area. It can help ensure that all potential threats are captured on camera.


Front door cameras can be either wired or wireless. Wired cameras are more reliable and provide a consistent connection, but they can be more challenging to install. Wireless cameras are easier to install and offer more flexibility in placement. Still, they can be less reliable due to potential connection issues.

Power Source

Either batteries or a hardwired connection can power front door cameras. Battery-powered cameras are easier to install and more flexible in placement but require regular battery replacements. Hardwired cameras are more reliable and don’t require battery replacements, but they are more difficult to install.

Night Vision

Choosing a front door camera with infrared technology is vital to ensure clear footage in low-light conditions. This can help identify potential threats at night and provide useful evidence during a break-in.

Smart Features

Many front door cameras offer intelligent features like mobile app integration and voice control. These features can help monitor and control the camera more accessible, even when you’re not at home.


Front door cameras come at different prices, from budget-friendly options to more expensive models. It’s important to consider your budget and choose a camera that offers the best value for your needs.

Outdoor Cameras VS Video Doorbells

There are two main options for front door cameras: outdoor cameras and video doorbells.

Outdoor Cameras

Outdoor cameras are designed to be mounted outside the house and surveil the surrounding area. They often have various features, including high-resolution imaging, night vision, and wide-angle views. They can be wired or wireless and integrated with other security systems.

Video Doorbells

Smart Video doorbells are designed to be mounted next to the front door and provide surveillance of anyone approaching the door. They often include two-way communication and mobile app integration, so you can see who is at the door and communicate with them without opening it. They can also have motion detection, night vision, and live streaming.

*When choosing between outdoor cameras and video doorbells, it’s essential to consider the specific needs of your home and your family. Outdoor cameras are ideal if you need to monitor a larger area and want to keep an eye on potential intruders. Video doorbells are suitable for monitoring visitors and communicating with them remotely. Both options provide an extra layer of security to your home.

Choose a suitable location for the camera and ensure that it’s within the range of your home’s Wi-Fi network.
Install the camera according to the manufacturer’s instructions and connect it to your home’s Wi-Fi network. Once the camera is set up, you can monitor and control it through the manufacturer’s mobile app.
To ensure that your front door camera is functioning correctly, it’s important to perform regular maintenance and upkeep. This includes regularly checking the camera’s batteries or power source, cleaning the lens, and testing the connection. If you encounter any issues with your front door camera, consult the manufacturer’s troubleshooting guide or contact customer support.


Choosing the best front door camera for your home can provide security and peace of mind. When selecting a front door camera, consider factors such as image quality, the field of view, connectivity, power source, night vision, smart features, and price. Decide whether an outdoor camera or video doorbell is the best option. Once you’ve chosen a front door camera, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for installation and maintenance to ensure that it functions properly. You can help keep your home and family safe and secure by installing the right security system from Direct Protection Security.

Home Security Home Security System

Who Is The Best Security System Provider: ADT Or SimpliSafe?

Home security is essential to protecting your property and keeping your loved ones safe. With the increasing prevalence of theft, vandalism, and other property crimes, securing your home and deterring potential intruders is essential. Home security systems provide a range of benefits. One of the most significant benefits of home security is that it can help deter burglars and other criminals. In addition, security systems can provide rapid alerts to homeowners and authorities when a potential threat is detected, allowing for a quick response and potentially preventing crimes.
However, choosing the best home security system is essential, as it involves protecting your loved ones and property. ADT and SimpliSafe are the most popular security system providers, offering many features and services to meet customers’ needs. This article will compare ADT and SimpliSafe to help you determine the best security system provider.


ADT, founded in 1874 by Edward Callahan, is a well-established company with over 140+ years of experience in the security industry. They offer a range of security systems, including professionally monitored home security systems, smart home automation, and security cameras. ADT has a vast network of authorized dealers who install and maintain their security systems. They also offer 24/7 monitoring services, so their monitoring centers are always available to respond to emergencies.


SimpliSafe, founded in 2006, is a newer player in the home security industry, founded in 2006. They offer a range of affordable security systems that can be self-installed. SimpliSafe does not have a network of authorized dealers but offers professional monitoring services. Their monitoring services are also available 24/7, and they offer an app that allows customers to monitor their security system remotely.

Features Of ADT & SimpliSafe

Now that we’ve introduced both ADT and SimpliSafe let’s take a closer look at their features and services to help you decide the best security system provider for your needs.


One of the main differences between ADT and SimpliSafe is the installation process.
ADT requires professional installation, meaning an authorized dealer will come to your home and install the security system. This process can be more convenient for customers needing more time or skills to install a security system. ADT’s authorized dealers are trained to install and maintain ADT security systems, which can give customers peace of mind knowing that the installation is done correctly.

SimpliSafe, on the other hand, offers a DIY installation process. Customers can purchase an online security system and install it by following the instructions. This process can be more affordable and convenient for customers with the time and skills to install a security system. SimpliSafe also offers customer support to help customers with any questions during installation.


Both ADT and SimpliSafe offer professional monitoring services.
ADT’s monitoring services are available 24/7 and have a vast network of monitoring centers across the United States. In an emergency, ADT’s monitoring centers are always available to respond quickly and efficiently. ADT also offers various monitoring services, including intrusion, fire, carbon monoxide, and flood monitoring.

SimpliSafe’s monitoring services are also available 24/7, and they offer two types of monitoring services: standard monitoring and interactive monitoring. Routine monitoring is an essential service that includes intrusion and fire monitoring. Interactive monitoring includes mobile alerts, remote arm and disarm, and video verification.


Both ADT and SimpliSafe offer a range of equipment to meet customers’ needs.
ADT’s equipment includes various security systems, including burglar alarms, smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and flood detectors. ADT also offers smart home automation equipment such as smart locks, smart thermostats, and smart lighting.

SimpliSafe’s equipment includes various security systems, including burglar alarms, smoke detectors, and carbon monoxide detectors. They also offer security cameras and smart home automation equipment such as smart thermostats and locks.


Price is an essential factor to consider when choosing a security system provider.
ADT’s prices vary depending on the type of security system and services you desire. Still, they tend to be more expensive than SimpliSafe’s prices. ADT requires professional installation, which can add to the cost of the security system. Additionally, ADT’s monitoring services are more expensive than SimpliSafe’s monitoring services.

SimpliSafe offers a range of affordable security systems that can be self-installed. This can help customers save money on the installation process. Additionally, SimpliSafe’s monitoring services are more affordable than ADT’s monitoring services. SimpliSafe offers two types of monitoring services: standard monitoring and interactive monitoring. Traditional monitoring costs $14.99 monthly, while interactive tracking costs $24.99.

Customer Service

Customer service is an essential factor to consider when choosing a security system provider. Both ADT and SimpliSafe offer customer support to help customers with questions or issues.
ADT’s customer support is available 24/7 and can be contacted via phone, email, or live chat. ADT also has a vast network of authorized dealers who can provide in-person support to customers.

SimpliSafe’s customer support is available 24/7. It can be reached via phone, email, or live chat. Additionally, SimpliSafe offers a range of resources on its website to help customers troubleshoot any issues they may have with their security system.

Why Is ADT Better?

While both ADT and SimpliSafe offer reliable security systems, there are a few areas where ADT stands out as a better option:

Professional Installation

ADT offers professional installation services for its security systems, which can be a significant advantage for those who want to avoid installing the equipment. With professional installation, you can be assured that the system is installed correctly and will work optimally from the outset. In contrast, SimpliSafe relies on a self-installation process, which can be a hassle for those not technically inclined.

Wide Range Of Services

ADT offers a broader range of security services than SimpliSafe. ADT also provides home automation services, remote access, video surveillance, and access control solutions other than home security systems. With these services, ADT can help you create a comprehensive home security system tailored to your needs. SimpliSafe, on the other hand, focuses primarily on home security systems.

Established Reputation

ADT is a well-established company with over 140+ years of experience in the security industry. They have a solid reputation for providing high-quality security solutions to millions of customers across the globe. This established reputation can give customers added peace of mind and confidence in their security system. In contrast, SimpliSafe is a relatively new player in the market, founded in 2006.

Customizable Packages

ADT offers customizable security packages. It can be customized to your specific needs and budget. This allows you to choose the features that matter most to you, such as home automation or video surveillance, and avoid paying for features you don’t need. SimpliSafe, on the other hand, offers pre-packaged security systems that may need to be more flexible in terms of customization.

ADT-Authorized Dealers

ADT has a vast network of authorized dealers like DPS, who can provide in-person support to customers. This can be a significant advantage for those who prefer face-to-face interactions and want to work with a local service provider. With ADT-authorized dealers, you can be assured of prompt and reliable support for your security system. SimpliSafe does not have an authorized dealer network and relies primarily on remote customer support.


Both ADT and SimpliSafe are reputable security system providers offering a range of features and services to meet customers’ needs. ADT is a well-established company in the security industry. SimpliSafe is a newer player in the market that offers affordable security systems that can be self-installed. Consider your needs and preferences when choosing between the two. Contact us to install the security system from the best providers.